  • 1.
    Minimal Theme Settings
    4 years ago by @kepano
    Score: 81/100
    Category: Customization & UI
    The Minimal Theme Settings plugin is a game-changer for Obsidian users who want to customize their theme without digging into code. This plugin allows you to adjust various settings, including color schemes, background styles, and font sizes, all from the Obsidian Settings panel. With this plugin, you can easily switch between different color schemes, such as Atom or Solarized, or create your own custom scheme using the Style Settings plugin. Additionally, you can toggle light/dark mode, customize hotkeys, and even adjust settings like underlining links and font sizes. Whether you're looking to simplify your workflow or add some visual flair to your notes, this plugin is a must-have for any Obsidian user who wants more control over their theme.
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  • 2.
    CSS Inlay Colors
    5 months ago by Benji Grant
    Score: 51/100
    Category: Customization & UI
    The CSS Inlay Colors plugin enhances the visual experience in Obsidian by displaying inline color hints for CSS color codes. Users can input any valid CSS color syntax, and the plugin renders a corresponding color block inline, making it easier to visualize and manage color styles within code blocks. A color picker feature allows users to edit colors directly in live preview mode, preserving the original format and opacity settings. The plugin also supports customization, enabling users to style the inlays by targeting the `.css-color-inlay` class with custom CSS.
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  • 3.
    3 years ago by Chetachi
    Score: 49/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    The Highlightr plugin enhances note-taking in Obsidian by providing a simple yet stylish highlighting system. With a selection of vibrant colors, users can easily highlight text for better organization and emphasis. Customization is available, allowing you to add your own colors and modify the highlight menu. The plugin supports both light and dark themes, ensuring a consistent visual experience. It also integrates seamlessly with the right-click menu, letting you highlight or unhighlight text with a single click. For added efficiency, custom hotkeys for specific colors can be set up, making the highlighting process even faster.
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